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Landslide in Papua New Guinea Leaves Over 100 Feared Dead

Landslide Representational Picture

A devastating landslide struck the remote village of Kaokalam, Papua New Guinea, in the early hours of Friday. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) News reports that over 100 people are feared dead. Located in Enga Province, about 600 kilometers northwest of the capital, Port Moresby, the landslide occurred around 3:00 am local time.


While local residents estimate the death toll to be more than 100, authorities have yet to confirm an official figure. Concerns linger that the actual number of casualties may be higher.

Videos circulating on social media depict harrowing scenes of individuals scaling large rocks and retrieving bodies from the debris and beneath fallen trees.

Elizabeth Laruma, president of the Porgera Women in Business Association, described the catastrophic event as houses were obliterated when a portion of a nearby mountain collapsed. “It occurred while people were still asleep in the early hours, and the entire village was engulfed. Based on my assessment, it’s likely that over 100 people are buried beneath the rubble,” Laruma stated.

Ninga Role, a resident of Kaokalam who lost four relatives in the tragedy, recounted how the landslide obstructed the road leading to Porgera, home to a prominent gold mine. 

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