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Man Criticized for Reckless Stunt Near Orcas in New Zealand

New Zealand

A recent incident off the coast of Devonport, New Zealand, has sparked outrage on social media after a man was recorded jumping from a boat near two orcas, commonly known as killer whales. The Department of Conservation (DOC) shared the video on Instagram, condemning the act as “shocking and foolish.” The footage suggests a deliberate attempt to interact with the marine mammals, which the DOC labeled as a potential “body slam” maneuver.


The 50-year-old diver involved has been fined NZ $600 (Rs 30,600) for his actions. Despite the incident occurring in February, the video surfaced recently, prompting strong reactions online.

According to the DOC, the man’s actions displayed a reckless disregard for safety, both for himself and for the orcas nearby, one of which was an adult male with a calf. The department emphasized the potential dangers posed by such behavior, highlighting the immense power of orcas and the risk of injury to both parties.

Recorded by fellow passengers, the clip captures the man boasting about touching the orca and querying if it was caught on film. The DOC condemned such behavior as “extremely irresponsible,” reiterating that it is illegal to swim with whales or disturb marine mammals under the Marine Mammals Protection Act.

Orcas, as apex predators, play a vital role in marine ecosystems, and the population in New Zealand’s waters is estimated to be between 150 and 200 individuals. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting wildlife and adhering to conservation regulations.

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