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Putin Vows Independent Trade and Security with North Korea


Vladimir Putin, in a letter published by North Korean state media on Tuesday ahead of his upcoming visit to the country, pledged to establish trade and security frameworks independent of Western influence. Emphasizing the longstanding partnership between Russia and North Korea based on equality and trust over the past 70 years, Putin outlined plans to develop alternative mechanisms for trade and mutual settlements, free from Western control. He also committed to building a secure architecture in Eurasia that ensures equality and indivisibility.

Putin expressed gratitude for North Korea’s support during Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, condemning what he described as U.S. pressure, blackmail, and military threats. The letter comes on the heels of an announcement that Putin will visit North Korea for the first time in 24 years, accompanied by a high-level delegation including key ministers and advisers.

During the visit, discussions are expected to include the signing of a partnership agreement covering security and other areas, although officials stress it is not targeted against any specific nation. The visit will feature bilateral meetings, ceremonial events, and media statements, highlighting the strengthening ties between Moscow and Pyongyang amid international scrutiny and concerns.

The summit has raised alarms among U.S. officials and analysts, who see it as a significant challenge to global security dynamics since the Korean War. Critics urge increased diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea, alongside engagement with China, to address regional stability and human rights concerns.

Putin’s itinerary also includes a subsequent visit to Vietnam, underscoring Russia’s broader diplomatic engagements in the region.

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