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Mangaluru Events: Jackfruit and Mango Mela, Polytechnic Induction, and More

Mangaluru Events Jackfruit And Mango Mela, Polytechnic Induction, And More

Mangaluru will host a Jackfruit and Mango Mela featuring varieties grown by organic farmers on June 29 and 30 from 7am to 7pm at Manju Prasada premises in Kadri Kambala. The event will be inaugurated by social worker Aroor Lakshmi Rao, with Sachidananda Bharati, pontiff of Edneer Mutt, in attendance. Nagarcoil Venkataramana Poti will inaugurate the stalls, and agriculture expert Shree Padre will speak on organic farming. Dr. Muralidhara Yadiyal will discuss the scientific aspects of consuming mango and jackfruit. The mela is organized by S Pradeep Kumar Kalkura of the Kalkura Prathishtana.

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The Karnataka (Govt) Polytechnic in Mangaluru inaugurated its induction program for first-year diploma candidates on Monday. The event, held at the institution’s main auditorium, featured chief guest Raju K, assistant commissioner of the revenue department. In-charge principal Narasimha Bhat and other senior faculty members welcomed new students and their parents.

Justice KS Hegde Hospital will introduce evening clinic services at Deralakatte from July 1. OPD services will be available from 5:30pm to 7:30pm on weekdays, offering general medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, orthopedics, OBG, and radio diagnosis.

Savitha Salian of Mangaluru will assume the role of district director of District 121 of Toastmasters International on July 1, 2024, the first from Mangaluru to hold this position. She is a member of the Winners Club Toastmasters, Port Town Advanced Toastmasters, and Let’s Debate Toastmasters.


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