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Bareilly: Soldier Brutally Beats Wife, Stitches Fingers with Sewing Machine

Domestic Violence

Bareilly: A horrifying case of domestic violence has come to fore from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, a soldier allegedly subjected his wife to brutal physical abuse, resulting in severe injuries, including the loss of her fingers.


The incident occurred in Hafiz Ganj Chaukhandi village, under the jurisdiction of Nawabganj police station in Bareilly district. Neelam Kumari, a resident of the village, disclosed that she was married to Mukesh Kumar from Tumdiya village on April 23, 2021. Mukesh served in the army, and the couple had a child together.

Neelam recounted a tumultuous relationship marred by her husband’s alleged extramarital affair. Tensions escalated during Mukesh’s leave, culminating in a violent altercation, as per Neelam’s account.

The victim reported the horrific ordeal to local police. Subsequently, the police arrested the accused soldier and presented him before the court, where he secured bail. Neelam, however, voiced fears for her safety and that of her parents, citing threats issued by her husband post-bail.

According to Neelam, Mukesh’s aggression knew no bounds, as he wielded a sharp weapon, causing injuries to her wrists. The brutality persisted as he resorted to using a sewing machine on her fingers, inflicting grievous harm. Beyond physical assaults, she endured kicks, punches, and violent collisions with walls, resulting in severe injuries to her head and face. Furthermore, Mukesh allegedly coerced Neelam into making false statements in a video captured on his mobile phone, incriminating her in an imagined affair.


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