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GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke Calls India His “New Home Away from Home”

Github Ceo Thomas Dohmke Calls India His New Home Away From Home During Bengaluru Visit

Thomas Dohmke, the CEO of Microsoft-owned GitHub, recently expressed his deep appreciation and fondness for India, calling it his “new home away from home” during his visit to Bengaluru for GitHub’s in-person developer conference. This statement underscores the growing significance of India in the global tech landscape and reflects Dohmke’s personal and professional connection to the country.


During his visit, Dohmke shared a nostalgic photograph taken on Brigade Road in Bengaluru, at the exact spot where he had taken a picture in 2008. He wrote, “Sixteen years later, I had to stop by Brigade Road on my way back home. I dearly love this country, a new home away from home. I promise, I’ll be back soon.” This gesture highlights not only his fond memories of India but also the significant changes and developments he has witnessed over the years.

In his interactions, Dohmke quoted Mahatma Gandhi, saying, “The future depends on what you do today.” He emphasized that he is more optimistic than ever about how technology can accelerate human progress. This optimism is grounded in the vibrant and dynamic tech community he encountered in India. Dohmke’s comments reflect a broader vision for GitHub’s role in fostering innovation and growth within the Indian tech ecosystem.

GitHub, a platform that has become integral to software development worldwide, has seen substantial growth in India. Recently, GitHub revealed that there are over 15.4 million developers in India building on its platform, marking a 33 percent growth year-on-year. This impressive growth rate underscores the increasing importance of India as a hub for software development and innovation.

In an interview with Moneycontrol, Dohmke shared his insights on the Indian market. “I’ve seen lots of energy in both Delhi and Bengaluru. I met with a number of customers such as Infosys and Paytm that are using GitHub. There was also tremendous excitement from developers to come to our event. I think that’s part of the reason for this trip, which is that, on the one hand, India is growing fast in the developer community. We are actually predicting that by 2027, India will be the largest developer community on Earth, when looking at the number of GitHub accounts,” Dohmke explained.

This prediction is a testament to India’s burgeoning tech talent and the country’s rapid adoption of technology. The Indian startup ecosystem has matured significantly, with a density of talent that supports the growth and development of world-class, category-creating companies. Dohmke’s visit and his remarks reflect GitHub’s commitment to supporting and nurturing this ecosystem.

GitHub’s strategy in India appears to be focused on more than just numbers. As Dohmke noted, the company is interested in fostering a deep and meaningful engagement with the developer community. He differentiated GitHub from other incubators and accelerators by highlighting the unique approach of South Park Commons (SPC), an early-stage venture fund he referenced. “A lot of people who come to SPC come even before they have an idea or that they want to start a company. This is quite different than a YC or any other incubator, where the currency of your status is how much money you have raised,” he said. This approach aims to support developers from the earliest stages of their entrepreneurial journey, nurturing their ideas and fostering innovation.

The enthusiasm and potential Dohmke witnessed during his visit to India reinforce the strategic importance of the country to GitHub’s global operations. With its large and rapidly growing developer base, India is poised to play a crucial role in the future of software development. GitHub’s engagement with the Indian market reflects a broader trend of global tech companies recognizing and investing in the immense potential of Indian talent.

In conclusion, Thomas Dohmke’s visit to India and his heartfelt remarks about the country highlight both a personal connection and a strategic business interest. As GitHub continues to expand its presence and support in India, the country’s developers and startups stand to gain significant opportunities for growth and innovation. With leaders like Dohmke recognizing and championing the potential of India’s tech ecosystem, the future looks bright for Indian developers and the broader technology landscape.


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