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Traffic Chaos on Outer Ring Road Due to Heavy Rainfall

Traffic Chaos On Outer Ring Road Due To Heavy Rainfall

Continuous rainfall for over two hours on Thursday evening led to severe traffic congestion on Bengaluru’s Outer Ring Road (ORR), causing bumper-to-bumper traffic that persisted late into the night.


Traffic Situation:

Traffic police and residents reported that the downpour resulted in a massive influx of vehicles from tech parks, overwhelming the capacity of the road. Vehicles were at a standstill, creating a long trail of slow-moving traffic that stretched for kilometers.

Infrastructure Challenges:

Metro construction along ORR has further constrained road space, exacerbating the congestion. Blocked shoulder drains contributed to waterlogging issues, compounding the traffic woes for commuters.

Public Reaction:

Frustrated commuters took to social media to vent their grievances, highlighting significant delays and snarls along ORR. Some shared screenshots from navigation apps depicting extensive traffic jams and prolonged travel times.


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