As the monsoon season is expected to intensify after August 15, Karnataka’s Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda has announced that district administrations are on high alert to manage potential flood situations. Heavy rainfall is anticipated across various regions, particularly from Bengaluru to Central Karnataka, as well as in the Malnad and coastal areas, and the Cauvery-Krishna reservoir basins.
Gowda highlighted that the monsoon would persist for approximately one-and-a-half months, with increased rainfall expected along the Karnataka-Maharashtra border from August 17-19. The Deputy Commissioners have been directed to take precautionary measures to prevent flooding. He also urged farmers and residents in catchment areas and hill stations to exercise caution.
Last month saw a rainfall deficit in regions such as Kolar, Chikkaballapur, Yadgir, Koppal, Vijayapura, and Raichur, but recent rains have improved conditions. Overall, Karnataka has received 699 mm of rainfall this year, 26% above the norm, and is expected to have an above-average monsoon season, which should benefit agriculture.
Gowda reported that 80,000 hectares of crops have been damaged due to heavy rainfall, and compensation for affected farmers will be provided within a week. He noted that the number of fatalities due to rain-induced floods this year is 58, compared to 67 in 2019 and 75 in 2022. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will review the situation in a meeting on Wednesday.
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