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Former Udupi City Development Authority Chairman Advocates Communal Harmony


During the Eid Sneha Koota organized by Jamat E Islami Hind Hoode at the Salihat auditorium in Hoode, former chairman of the Udupi City Development Authority, Janardhana Tonse, emphasized the importance of unity and harmony among people, regardless of caste or religion.


Tonse expressed concern over the division created by some individuals in positions of responsibility based on caste and religion, noting that such actions only serve selfish interests and disrupt communal harmony. He cited examples of solidarity among people of different religions during times of tragedy, such as the Nejar murders, as evidence of the inherent harmony that exists among communities.

Highlighting the significance of events like the Eid Sneha Koota in promoting communal harmony, Tonse commended the efforts of Jamat E Islami in fostering unity and understanding. He praised the organization as a model for others to emulate in promoting communal harmony.

Akbar Ali, the state secretary of Jammat E Islami Hindi, emphasized the need to create an environment where people of different religions can coexist peacefully despite their differences. He called for unity among those who cherish religious values to thwart attempts by others to sow division in the name of religion.

The event also featured speeches by Abdul Khadir Moideen, president of Jamat E Islami Hindi Hoode, and Maulana Mohammed Tariq, who recited the Quran. Yasin Kodibengre served as the event’s compere, and Maulana Adam Saheb, along with various local dignitaries, including the president and vice-president of Kemmannu Grama Panchayat, and members of solidarity Hoode and SIO Hoode, were in attendance.

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