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Mismanagement Plagues Bhatkal’s Hi-Tech Fish Market

Mismanagement Plagues Bhatkal's Hi Tech Fish Market

In Bhatkal, development efforts seem to have been overshadowed by mismanagement, with government funds intended for public welfare schemes allegedly being siphoned off for personal gain.


One glaring example of this is the hi-tech fish market near Bhatkal Sante Market. Despite being constructed with significant government funds, the market remains devoid of fish vendors and has instead become a haven for migrants, laborers, beggars, and stray animals. Six years after its inauguration, the market stands unused, with the inscription detailing its inauguration and project cost concealed by pasted paper.

The initiative to construct the high-tech fish market was approved during Nivedit Alva’s tenure as President of the Coastal Development Authority, with RV Deshpande as the District In-charge Minister and Mankal Vaidya as the MLA of Bhatkal. However, despite its inauguration, fish sellers have refused to relocate to the new market, citing a lack of modern facilities. Nearby shopkeepers also support this demand for their own commercial benefit.

Instead, fish selling activities continue at various makeshift locations, leaving the new market deserted and serving as shelter for the homeless.

Despite pleas from officials and locals, including the TMC Chief Officer and the Deputy Commissioner of the district, the issue remains unresolved. Even the district in-charge Minister appears to have overlooked the plight of the hi-tech fish market, leaving questions unanswered about the misuse of funds and the neglect of public infrastructure.

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