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Beyond Cards: Rummy’s Impact on the Evolution of Gaming Behaviour

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The online games industry has emerged as a melting pot of different entertainment choices. Fantasy sports, which are based on the real-life performance of athletes, can be traced back to Major League Baseball of the late 70s. Many other online games can be traced back to arcade and console games of the past, while others are digital versions of carnival, casino games, and indoor games like pool and board games like ludo.


However, none of these online games can claim the deep-rooted cultural significance that card games have.

On Solid Grounds

People have been playing card games all over the world for centuries. Irrespective of their place of origin, card games like rummy have been universally accepted. This has helped online rummy to influence the perception and engagement of Indians with the online games industry.

Thanks to its acceptance as a traditional card game, rummy has been a part of household entertainment for generations across India. Being a skill-based game, rummy players have commanded a special admiration among peers. The strong social legacy has made it easier for rummy to transition into the online games industry in India.

Transition to Online Platforms

The online games industry in India propagated with the advent of the internet but took a seismic leap as smartphones became commonplace. Digital gaming meant that rummy players could now play at their convenience and across geographies. This is in sharp contrast to physical rummy, which needed players to assemble at a fixed place at a fixed time. But now rummy could be played from the comfort of your home. All you needed was a smartphone.

Take Playship, for instance. You can download the app and start playing almost immediately. Apart from the smooth gameplay experience and 24/7 customer support, there are many exciting offers and rewards on the platform. With instant fund addition and withdrawals, your entertainment is fully under your control at Playship. And much like an OTT platform, getting entertained with a rummy game is now at your fingertips.

Influences on Gaming Behaviour

By consolidating its place in online gaming platforms, rummy has become instrumental in evolving gaming behavior in the country. Platforms like Playship have raised the profile of skill-based gaming, raised awareness about the importance of safety and fair play and helped the online games industry establish itself in the country.

Accepting the Skill Challenge

While it is a simple game, the need for skill and strategic gameplay appealed to tech-savvy card players who could now test their skills on a national or even international platform. Unlike games of chance, here, you need strategic thinking, sharp memory and good decision-making capacity to win a rummy game. The skill element in a rummy game has raised its profile even among youngsters who are learning rummy for the first time.

The relative success of online rummy has created a domino effect among participants, thus shaping gaming preferences in India. More and more players look at online rummy as a playing field for their strategic skills and dexterity. It is no surprise that Playship is seen to regularly host huge volumes of players.

Not Settling for Less Anymore

The introduction of online rummy through real money gaming platforms has raised the safety expectations of consumers. Rummy enthusiasts will continue to choose the relative safety of genuine rummy platforms over other unreliable online and offline options. Rummy app like Playship have introduced strict fair play regulations and also put advanced digital security infrastructure in place. The funds of the participant, as well as the sanctity of the rummy games, are now certified to be safe and unbiased. Consumers now prefer to play on a gaming platform that is recognised and licensed by the laws of the land, something which leading platforms like Playship ensure.

Shaping the Future of Online Gaming

As an online game, rummy was poised to succeed. It joined the digital revolution as one of the recognisable modes of our playing and entertainment traditions. With online rummy, the popular card game took to digital platforms as fish takes to water. Online rummy platforms like Playship provided the safety net that assured the players of a level playing field. The challenge of skill that the game demands meant that more and more participants became keen to wrap their heads around this simple yet exciting card game. And the rest, as they say, is history, as online rummy continues to shape gaming preferences in the country.

Image: Pixabay

Note: Newskarnataka advises its readers to consult experts / professionals and research further on this subject, be aware of the risks involved, and comply with all locally applicable laws and regulations in this regard.

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