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Google Doodle Honors the Accordion’s Rich and Vibrant Musical History


With its whimsical homage to the accordion, a beloved instrument recognized for its bellows and its rich influence across musical genres, today’s Google Doodle takes center stage.


With its patent in 1829 (the name itself comes from the German word “akkord,” which means “chord”), the accordion has had a profound impact on the world of music. The accordion’s versatility has been embraced by musicians all over the world, ranging from lively jazz and pop sounds to folk and classical melodies.

Users can virtually play the accordion with this interactive Google Doodle, adding some musical fun to their online browsing. The Doodle honors the instrument’s journey from invention to worldwide phenomenon by highlighting the historical significance of its 1829 patent.

According to the Google Blog, “Throughout the late 1800s, manufacturers in Germany increased their accordion production due to its popularity among folk musicians across Europe. Early accordions had buttons on just one side, and each of these buttons created the sound of an entire chord. Another impressive feature is that the same button could produce two chords-oone when the bellows were expanding and another when the bellows were contracting.”

“As Europeans emigrated around the world, the accordion’s use in music expanded. Modern versions can be played with either buttons or a piano-style keyboard, and some even have both options. They also sometimes incorporate electronic elements so they can be plugged into an amplifier or create synthesised sounds. Today, the instrument can be heard in folk music, the Latino polka, the tango, cajun music, and more! One event that the accordion is always present at is Oktoberfest. This lively festival is full of carnival fun, music, and traditional clothing like Dirndl dresses and lederhosen,” the blog further mentioned.

“With this melody maker in hand, everything goes according to plan! The traditional sound continues to influence German celebrations and music across the world 200 years later.”

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