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Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, Creator of “Super Size Me”, Passes Away at 53


Morgan Spurlock, the filmmaker who made the documentary “Super Size Me”, died at the age of 53. His brother, Craig Spurlock announced the news.


Spurlock became famous in 2004 for “Super Size Me”. In the movie, he ate McDonald’s food for a whole month to see how it would affect his health. He got sick and claimed he had gained 25 pounds, saw a spike in his cholesterol level, and suffered from depression and liver dysfunction.

The movie helped people understand how fast food can be bad for you. It even convinced McDonald’s to stop selling super-sized meals. “Super Size Me” was so good, it was nominated for an Oscar!

Spurlock made other films after that, but none were as successful as “Super Size Me”. In 2017, news came out that Spurlock had behaved badly towards women in the past. He admitted to sexual harassment and said he was sorry.

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