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Gas Explosion in Harbin Kills One, Injures Three

Gas Explosion

According to reports from state media on Thursday, an explosion believed to be caused by a gas leak occurred at a residential building in Harbin, a city in northeastern China. The incident resulted in the tragic death of one individual and left three others injured. The force of the explosion tore off a balcony and scattered debris onto the street below.


This unfortunate event follows a similar incident in March, where a suspected gas leak at a restaurant in Hebei province led to a massive blast, claiming two lives and injuring 26 others. The explosion destroyed building facades and damaged vehicles in the vicinity.

The explosion in Harbin occurred around 7 a.m. in the Xiangfang district, according to officials cited by the China Daily. Witnesses reported that the blast originated on the fourth floor of a building at a downtown intersection in Heilongjiang province’s capital. Residents immediately fled the scene upon hearing the loud explosion, suspecting it to be a gas-related incident. The force of the blast caused significant damage, including the detachment of the apartment’s balcony and nearby structures.

Emergency services swiftly responded to the scene, with ambulances, police, and fire personnel launching a rescue operation. The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.

Video footage captured by a car’s dashboard camera depicted the explosion’s aftermath, with debris strewn across a nearby highway. Additionally, images showed rescue workers navigating through concrete rubble on the sidewalk outside the building.

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