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On Camera, Woman Struck Dead By Train In Mexico While Taking Selfie


A tragic incident unfolded in Mexico on Monday as a woman lost her life in a harrowing encounter with a passing train while attempting to take a selfie. The incident, which has since garnered widespread attention on social media through a circulating video, occurred near Hidalgo.


According to local reports, a group had gathered to capture a photo of a vintage steam engine train known as the ‘Empress’ as it made its way through the area. Tragically, the woman ventured too close to the tracks in her endeavor to snap a selfie with the approaching train.

In the footage, the woman, clad in an orange top, can be seen preparing to take the photo while accompanied by a child. As the train draws nearer, the child instinctively crouches down while the woman positions herself for the picture.

In a devastating turn of events, the woman drops to one knee just as the train’s engine strikes her from behind, causing her to tumble forward. Amidst the chaos, the startled child flees the scene as a bystander rushes to pull the victim away from the oncoming train, narrowly averting further tragedy.

Reports indicate that the woman, believed to be in her twenties, was accompanied by her son and other children from a nearby school. Tragically, she lost her life at the scene.

The ‘Empress’, officially named Canadian Pacific 2816, is a historic steam locomotive dating back to 1930. It embarked on a significant journey in April, traversing Canada, the United States, and Mexico as part of the Final Spike Steam Tour, commemorating a significant merger that led to the creation of Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC). The tour is set to conclude in Mexico City later this week before the train returns to Canada in July, where it will retire.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) expressed deep regret over the incident and pledged full cooperation with authorities in the ensuing investigation. They also issued a reminder for the public, urging everyone to maintain a safe distance of at least 10 meters from railway tracks when observing passing trains, emphasizing the importance of caution and awareness around railway infrastructure.

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