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Muzaffarnagar: Woman Sacrifices Nephews on Tantrik’s Instructions, Arrested

Crime (3)

In a chilling incident in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, a woman took the lives of her two nephews within a span of a month, following the instructions of a tantrik in a misguided attempt to rid herself of a perceived spirit haunting her.


The accused, Ankita, along with her mother, Reena, are arrested, while the tantrik, Bhagat Ramgopal, remains at large.. The tragic events transpired in the village of Kailawada in Khatauli, where seven-year-old Keshav fell victim to his aunt’s disturbing belief that sacrificing him would free her from a spirit’s influence. Ankita’s conviction led her to strangle the innocent boy to death, with her mother’s assistance.

The discovery of Keshav’s dead body on May 17, along with stuff associated with black magic and a cryptic mantra-inscribed note, prompted suspicion. Keshav’s mother, Seema, held Ankita accountable, filing a case against her.

Ankita’s confession revealed her belief that she was tormented by the spirit of her deceased cousin, Komal, who passed away under suspicious circumstances. Seeking resolution, Ankita and Reena turned to the counsel of Bhagat Ramgopal, who advised them that only a child’s sacrifice could alleviate Ankita’s torment.

Following this directive, Ankita took the life of her nephew, attempting to mask the crime by staging supernatural intervention with red-inked notes placed strategically around the premises. Handwriting analysis and testimony from villagers corroborated Ankita’s involvement in occult practices, strengthening the case against her.

Evidence recovered from the scene, including bottles of liquid vermilion matching the ink used in the notes.

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