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Police Car Enters AIIMS Rishikesh To Arrest Sex Harassment Accused

Aiims Rishikesh

In a remarkable turn of events aimed at ensuring prompt justice, a police vehicle drove into the emergency ward of AIIMS Rishikesh on Tuesday to apprehend a man, according to a viral video. The man, a nursing officer, was accused of sexually harassing a female doctor.


The 26-second video shows the police car maneuvering through the busy emergency ward, where patients were lying on beds on either side. Security personnel are seen clearing the path, moving stretchers with patients aside. Inside the vehicle, several police officers are visible.

Police reports indicate that the nursing officer allegedly harassed a female doctor in an operating theatre at the renowned medical institution. This incident led to a significant backlash from the hospital’s doctors, who staged a strike and protested outside the dean’s office, demanding the officer’s dismissal. The doctors also lodged a police complaint.

Faced with the substantial number of protesting doctors, the police opted to drive into the hospital to arrest the suspect. Another video depicts the police being surrounded by the protesting doctors as they escort the accused to the vehicle.

Shankar Singh Bisht, a Rishikesh police officer, informed PTI that the accused, Satish Kumar, who was suspended, had also allegedly sent an obscene text message to the doctor.

The doctors, chanting slogans, insisted on the accused’s immediate dismissal, arguing that suspension was insufficient for the seriousness of the offense. Despite the ongoing strike since Tuesday, emergency services at AIIMS Rishikesh remain operational.

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