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Macron in New Caledonia: Urgent Peace Mission Amid Separatist Unrest


Noumea: President Emmanuel Macron arrived in New Caledonia, a French Pacific territory, aiming to swiftly restore peace amid ongoing separatist unrest that has resulted in casualties and widespread damage.


Touching down in Noumea, the capital city, Macron emphasized the urgent need for tranquility and security. French authorities have deployed substantial security reinforcements to quell the violence, with over 200 detentions made since the disturbances began on May 13.

During his visit, Macron paid tribute to the six individuals who lost their lives in the unrest and assured that security forces would remain as long as necessary. Despite a relatively calm night prior to his arrival, the aftermath of destruction remains evident across the islands.

Tensions between the Paris government and Indigenous Kanaks, constituting a significant portion of the population, have simmered for years. The recent escalation stemmed from proposed electoral reforms that Kanaks fear would diminish their political influence.

Kanak demonstrators continued to maintain roadblocks, underscoring their resistance to the electoral changes. Macron’s visit, spanning approximately 12 hours, encountered anticipation from both supporters and protesters, with various groups planning demonstrations and road closures.

Escalating the situation, France recently imposed a state of emergency, implementing stringent measures including house arrests and curfews. However, Macron proposed a task force to address the crisis and indicated that the emergency measures could be lifted upon mutual agreement from all parties.

As the turmoil disrupts daily life, efforts to evacuate stranded tourists are underway, with Australia and New Zealand facilitating repatriation flights. The future of the territory remains uncertain, with diverging opinions on the proposed electoral reforms and the broader issue of independence.

While Macron reiterated his commitment to respecting the outcomes of past referendums, discussions on potential delays to the electoral reform bill are ongoing. The path forward hinges on balancing the aspirations of different stakeholders while maintaining peace and stability in the region.

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