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MLA Gururaja Gantihole Offers Condolences and Advocates Student Well-being

Mla Gururaja Gantihole Offers Condolences And Advocates For Student Well Being

Following the tragic suicide of a student in Shirur, MLA Gururaja Gantihole visited the bereaved family’s residence to extend his heartfelt condolences. Expressing deep empathy for their loss, he underscored the paramount importance of cherishing life, particularly during the formative student years.


“Student life is invaluable,” emphasized Gantihole, emphasizing Byndoor’s commitment to education and ongoing initiatives to enhance government schools. He urged students, especially those from rural areas, to prioritize their education and cautioned against impulsive decisions.

“We all bear the responsibility of shaping society,” Gantihole emphasized, stressing the need for comprehensive support systems encompassing home, school, college, and community environments. He emphasized the significance of nurturing students as assets to society and providing them with guidance and encouragement.

In a plea to the community, Gantihole emphasized the importance of mutual support during challenging times. “No individual should feel compelled to take such drastic measures, regardless of the adversities they face,” he urged.

Through his visit and words, MLA Gantihole sought to cultivate a culture of support and solidarity, striving to prevent further tragedies within the community.

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