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Bengaluru Rave Party Busted: Police Case Registered Against 104 Attendees

Bengaluru Rave Party Busted Police Case Registered Against 104 Attendees

The Bengaluru Police has taken action against 104 individuals following the bust of a rave party at a farmhouse near Electronic City earlier this week.


Event Details:

  • Name: Sunset to Sunrise Victory rave
  • Location: GM Farmhouse, Singena Agrahara area, near Electronic City
  • Duration: Continued till early morning hours

Incriminating Evidence:

  • Drug Consumption: A significant number of attendees tested positive for narcotics in blood tests conducted by the police.
  • Seized Items: Various illicit substances, including MDMA pills, MDMA crystals, cocaine, and cannabis, were confiscated along with cash, mobile phones, and vehicles.

Legal Proceedings:

  • FIR Registration: A case has been registered against the individuals involved.
  • Central Crime Branch (CCB) Involvement: The case has been transferred to the CCB for further investigation.

Community Concerns:

  • The event, masquerading as a birthday party, raised alarms among residents and law enforcement authorities.
  • Strict legal action is anticipated against those found guilty of drug consumption and related offenses.

This incident underscores the importance of enforcing laws to ensure community safety and combat the illicit drug trade. #BengaluruPolice #CommunitySafety #DrugEnforcement #LegalAction

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