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Arrest Made in Double Murder Case in South Bengaluru

Arrest Made In Double Murder Case In South Bengaluru

In a significant breakthrough, the Banashankari police in South Bengaluru have apprehended a 26-year-old man suspected of committing two murders within a span of five days. Identified as Girish M, the suspect allegedly bludgeoned his victims to death with stones on footpaths in separate incidents between May 13 and 18.


Method of Operation

The first victim, a man in his 20s, was discovered with severe head injuries on the footpath of KR Road on May 13. A stone found near the body was identified as the murder weapon. Five days later, another man in his 30s was found murdered near KR Market, his head similarly smashed with a boulder. CCTV footage near KR Road provided crucial leads, leading to Girish’s identification and subsequent arrest on May 20.

Motive Revealed

Investigations revealed that Girish, described as a drug and alcohol addict, committed the murders under the influence of intoxicants. His motive appeared to be theft, as he allegedly stole valuables from the victims after killing them. Girish’s criminal history dates back to his adolescence, with multiple prior arrests for offenses including assault, robbery, and sexual harassment.

Concerns and Precautions

Given Girish’s history and the violent nature of his crimes, authorities express concern over the potential for further violence had he not been apprehended. His case underscores the importance of effective law enforcement and rehabilitation measures to address habitual offenders and prevent future incidents.

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