In a significant crackdown on drug trafficking, Kerala police arrested a woman model and three accomplices involved in a drug peddling ring in Malappuram district. The woman, identified as Jiksy Raj from Kozhikode district, was reportedly working as a model in Bengaluru. Acting on a tip-off, police intercepted a bus she was traveling in from Bengaluru on Monday. During the search, authorities discovered MDMA, a banned narcotic, hidden in a secret compartment of her bag, leading to her immediate arrest.
During interrogation, Jiksy Raj confessed that the drugs were intended for delivery to an individual in Malappuram. Following her confession, police conducted further investigations and arrested three other members of the drug trafficking network in Bengaluru on Tuesday. All the arrested individuals are natives of various districts in Kerala.
This operation highlights the ongoing efforts by law enforcement to curb the spread of narcotics in the region. The swift action by the police in apprehending the suspects underscores the importance of intelligence gathering and cooperation between different police units across state borders.
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