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R Ashoka Criticizes Government Over Jayadeva Hospital Water Crisis

Kalaburagi R Ashoka Criticizes Government Over Jayadeva Hospital's Water Crisis

KALABURAGI: Leader of Opposition in the Assembly, R Ashoka, visited the Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences Hospital, located within the Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS), on Thursday. This visit followed reports that no surgeries were performed over a three-day period, June 16-18, due to a lack of pure water.


During his visit, Ashoka interacted with patients, attendants, and doctors at both GIMS and Jayadeva Hospital. Patients confirmed that surgeries were halted because the Kalaburagi Municipal Corporation supplied mud-mixed water via tankers, which was unsuitable for surgical procedures.

Addressing the media, Ashoka highlighted that 300 heart patients visit Jayadeva Hospital daily, stressing the critical need for immediate medical care. He criticized the government’s failure to ensure a consistent supply of clean water, alleging it could have spent Rs 20 lakh daily to provide the necessary resources. He accused the government and local authorities of negligence, specifically questioning the roles of prominent ministers Priyank Kharge, Dr. Sharanaprakash Patil, and BR Patil during the crisis.

Ashoka announced his intention to write to the Chief Secretary and speak with him personally to demand a thorough investigation and accountability for those responsible for the lapse.


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