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Preparations and Prohibitory Orders for Udupi-Chikkamagaluru Vote Counting

Preparations And Prohibitory Orders For Udupi Chikkamagaluru Vote Counting

In anticipation of the Udupi-Chikkamagaluru Lok Sabha election vote counting scheduled for June 4 at St. Cecily’s Institute, Dr. K Vidya Kumari, the Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate, has implemented strict prohibitory orders under Section 144 across the district to ensure a peaceful counting process and result declaration.


The prohibitory orders will be effective from 5 am to midnight on June 4, prohibiting gatherings of five or more people, processions, meetings, celebrations, and loitering during this period.

A 100-meter radius around the counting center has been designated as a pedestrian area, with entry and parking of vehicles strictly prohibited.

Furthermore, the use of mobile phones, cordless phones, or electronic devices is banned within a 100-meter radius, except for authorized election officers and staff.

Activities such as processions, protest rallies, public meetings, slogan shouting, and bursting of crackers are strictly prohibited, along with the use of loudspeakers.

Additionally, actions that disturb law and order, such as collecting stones in public places, carrying weapons, or engaging in disruptive behavior, are prohibited.

Police officials have been granted authority to confiscate weapons, explosives, and other destructive items and to initiate legal proceedings against offenders.

A press release from the office of the Deputy Commissioner has emphasized that legal action will be taken against those who violate these orders, ensuring a smooth and orderly vote counting process.

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