Karkala police have arrested two individuals for displaying a defamatory banner targeting the Muslim community at Murathangady near Sanoor on Tuesday. The accused are Satish Devadiga, a local resident who put up the banner, and Pushpalatha, the owner of ‘Amulya Graphics’ in Karkala, where the banner was printed.
Following an investigation, the police arrested both individuals and presented them before the Karkala court. Pushpalatha, the printing press owner, was released on conditional bail, while Satish was remanded to judicial custody.
The controversial banner, which appeared on Monday in Kamalaksha Nagara near Murathangady, contained abusive language against the local Muslim community and warned them against “laying hands on Hindu girls.” The banner included Satish’s name and photo, identifying himself as “one of the freedom fighters.” However, locals described Satish as a 50-year-old daily wage worker who has been suffering from mental illness for the past 5-6 years.
Satish has been residing with his younger brothers since his wife and children left him. Some residents allege that anti-social elements might have exploited his unstable mental state to publish the banner and incite communal unrest. Kamalaksha Nagara, known for its communal harmony, strongly condemned this attempt to stir discord and demanded such acts be prevented in the future.
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