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Udupi Gang War: Sign of State’s Law & Order Decline: Yashpal Suvarna

Yashpal Suvarna

Udupi: The gang war incident in which gangsters brandished deadly weapons and fought on Udupi’s main road at midnight is a testament to the failure of the home department in the state and a complete collapse of law and order under the Congress government, said Udupi MLA Yashpal Suvarna.


This incident is a black mark on Udupi and has caused panic among the peace-loving people. The police department should immediately arrest the gangsters who carried out the gang war with swords on the streets and conduct a high-level investigation.

The police department should take this incident seriously, curb the menace of gangsters, take strict action to prevent such incidents from recurring, and control the drug menace that is fueling crime in the district.

Yashpal Suvarna has urged the state Congress government, which has failed to maintain law and order in Udupi, which is recognized in the world for its education, health, banking, and religious fields, to immediately send the Home Minister to the district to review the situation.

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