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Deloitte Report: India Leads Asia Pacific in Generative AI Adoption


The latest Deloitte report highlights India’s exceptional leadership in adopting Generative AI technology, with a staggering 93% of students and 83% of employees actively engaging with this transformative tool. Termed “Generation AI,” India’s tech-savvy youth spearhead this trend.


Accelerated Growth Projection

Surveying 11,900 individuals across Asia Pacific, the report forecasts a remarkable 182% surge in daily Gen AI usage over the next five years, signaling a profound trajectory towards deeper integration. This growth underscores Gen AI’s potential to elevate Asia Pacific’s role in the global economy.

Impactful Results

According to the report, Gen AI users in India report significant benefits, including faster task completion (86%), improved output quality (85%), and enhanced ideation capabilities (83%).

Key Insights:

  • Despite the revolutionary adoption by students and employees, only 50% believe their managers are aware of Gen AI usage.
  • Gen AI could reshape 17% of working hours in Asia Pacific, equivalent to nearly 1.1 billion hours annually.
  •  Developing countries are embracing Gen AI at a rate 30% faster than developed economies across Asia-Pacific.
  • Indian users save an impressive 7.85 hours per week with Gen AI, contributing to an overall 6.3 hours weekly savings across Asia Pacific.
  • 41% of time-saving Gen AI users report an improved work-life balance.

Industry Perspective

Chris Lewin, Deloitte Asia Pacific’s AI & Data Capability Leader, notes, “The rapid adoption of AI will reshape modern work, with businesses failing to adapt facing the brunt. Talent, particularly new entrants, will be attracted to rivals offering AI solutions.”

Anjani Kumar, Partner, Consulting at Deloitte India, emphasizes the need to overcome implementation challenges and deepen understanding to fully leverage this transformative technology. Despite evident benefits, obstacles like implementation complexities, risk aversion, and knowledge gaps hinder widespread adoption.

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